
Tag: Entrepreneur

Bunker Roy: The Social Activist And Educator Who Empowered Millions In India With “Barefoot College”.

"Bunker Roy: A Catalyst for Change through Barefoot College. Discover the transformative journey of Bunker Roy. Explore his stats, records, and inspiring biography. Unveil the empowering story of Barefoot College and Bunker Roy's profound impact. Learn about Bunker Roy's profile, net worth, family, and insightful interviews that illuminate his remarkable legacy."

5 pitfalls you have to avoid to succeed as an entrepreneur

Being an entrepreneur is not a cake walk. At first it seems like a rosy idea to lead your own company and flip out...

Indian Entrepreneurs should thank this man for setting an inspiring precedent.

"Entrepreneurs are people who have a vision for somethig and a want to create" - David Karp. MRF logo was first noticed by the entire...

Vishen Lakhiani – A Master Speaker & His Mindvalley Master Class

The Master Speaker, Malaysian entrepreneur and founder of ‘Mindvalley’, the author of New York Times and Amazon bestseller “The Code for the Extraordinary Mind”,...

Bill Gates, A Micro Leader or A Major Philanthropist?

On Friday 13 March 2020, Bill Gates declared that he would be stepping down from the board of Microsoft and from the board of...

VG Siddhartha, The CCD Guy On Adapting to Market, and Creativity.

In India, 3 things are easier to find than God herself- a Bus stop, a nukkad pan shop, and a CCD outlet. Café Coffee Day a.k.a CCD has brought...

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