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The Master Speaker, Malaysian entrepreneur and founder of ‘Mindvalley’, the author of New York Times and Amazon bestseller “The Code for the Extraordinary Mind”, and an activist on a mission to raise human consciousness – Vishen Lakhiani, with a team of 300 people from 54 countries are building the new global education system. The Mindvalley Masterclass Programs defy the traditional rules of ‘education’. Vishen produced Mindvalley Quests, a learning platform that has a completion rate of 800% over the industry average. He also successfully introduced two major events experiences, the A-Fest and Mindvalley University. With these self-help educative initiatives, Vishen Lakhiani aims to reach 1 billion customers by 2038. Vishen, inspired by Mandela’s quote, “If you want to change the world, change education” focuses on unifying the world by teaching ‘transformational education’.

What is Mindvalley

Founded in New York, as a digital publishing company on December 22, 2002, Mindvalley, later progressed as an educational company to offer training courses on mindfulness, meditation, personal development, health, and fitness. In 2004, the company relocated its headquarters to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Mindvalley is one of the most successful online learning platforms that provide self-education and entrepreneurship. It aims to help people fill knowledge gaps created by our education system, empowering people to become “the best versions of themselves”.

In addition to their various online programs, Mindvalley has created a mobile campus that travels from city to city.

Image Credits: Vishen Lakhiani


The Mindvalley Courses   

With over 3 million students the Mindvalley Academy has 30 courses in different categories like,

  1. Career and Influence: This teaches you how to improve productivity at work that will benefit your career. It gives you accesses to learn from the world’s best entrepreneurs and professionals like Robin Sharma, Gelong Thubten, Jay Shetty, Tom Bilyeu.
  2. Lifestyle and Productivity: It teaches you to improve your memory, better your reading speed, and other meta-skills that amplify the productive state of your mind to become a better performer, work consistently and act in an accountable manner. Jim Kwik, Jon & Missey Butcher, Vishen Lakhiani show you the way.
  3. Mind & Spirit: Teachers like Donna Eden, Jeffrey Allen, Michael Beck with make you challenge your beliefs and what you have been taught to follow since childhood, help you change the mindset and provide a new perspective to handle day-to-day life
  4. Health and Fitness: These courses update you with the latest scientific advances along with time-tested healing for improving fitness and providing a good healthy life. These courses are conducted by experts like Eric Edmeades and Ben Greenfield.
  5. Love and Relationships: These courses help you forge associations both within and outside to find true meaning in any personal relationship. The course/quest ‘Conscious Uncoupling by Katherine Woodward Thomas’ gained immense popularity when Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin divorced amicably under a “conscious uncoupling” theme remaining like siblings rather than ex-partners.

Mindvalley’s course fees range between a few hundred to US$15,000.

The Recognition                                                             

With Mindvalley providing the most credible coaches, valuable topics and high-quality events, it has received an A+rating on Better Business Bureau. Mindvalley has also been featured in INC.magazine, HuffPost, Forbes and on BBC.

Vishen Lakhiani, the Kid to Kingdom

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Vishen was like any ordinary Indian origin kid growing up in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Born on January 14, 1976, he hated going to the government school where he was force-fed with Brules (Bullshit Rules) and no creative thinking.

He moved to the US, to study computer engineering at the University of Michigan. What followed was an internship at Microsoft which he hated and gave up in 11weeks. Then came a job with AIESEC, New York and later in Silicon Valley in California. No job appeased him. The turning point came when he attended a meditation course.

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A father of two Hayden and Eve, Vishen HOPES for his children to grow up in a border less and awakened world with extraordinary education options.  Vishen’s DREAM is to bring humanity together through extraordinary education, ‘transcendent practice’ and creating work-life integration for future generations.  His GOAL is for Mindvalley to reach 100 national schooling systems and every company in the Fortune 500 over the next decade.

Today, Mindvalley with its intelligent business module has created a kingdom worth US$40 million.





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