
Tag: Inpsiring

A race with buffaloes or a race with Usain Bolt – Srinivas Gowda prefers the first

  Kambala is a traditional annual buffalo race, held in the southwest state of Karnataka in India. Kambala meaning "paddy-growing mud field" in Tulu language,...

Vishen Lakhiani – A Master Speaker & His Mindvalley Master Class

The Master Speaker, Malaysian entrepreneur and founder of ‘Mindvalley’, the author of New York Times and Amazon bestseller “The Code for the Extraordinary Mind”,...

Dr. Subroto Das – Making India’s Highways Safe

While India has the second largest road network of 4,320,000 kilometers, it also has a high incidence of highway accidents. What could be more...

Usain Bolt – The Fastest Man in the World

The most successful athlete of World Championships, Usain Bolt, the greatest sprinter, and fastest man in the world and has earned the media nickname...

Kamala Lochan Baliarsingh, a homeless ragpicker sleeps hungry each night to feed stray animals!

By worldly standards, Kamala Lochan Baliarsingh would qualify in the last line of fortune and poverty- a ragpicker cum beggar who sleeps on a railway platform and...

Rags to Riches Success Story of the Celebrity Chef- Gordon Ramsay

Gordon Ramsay, the hot-headed chef inspires the world one dish at a time with his passion, work ethic, and self-confidence. His empire stands at...

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