
Prashant Gade’s journey towards founding Inali Foundation began with a chance encounter that touched his heart. He met a seven-year-old girl born without arms, witnessing her daily struggles and the societal challenges she faced. This encounter stirred deep emotions within him, driving him to take action and make a meaningful impact.

Beyond Limitations: College Student's Prosthetic Pioneering
Prashant with his inspiration, Nicolas Huchet.

A Quest for Affordable Prosthetic Arms

Prashant, a young man pursuing engineering, hoped to use his education to bring about positive change in his country. However, he soon realized that the educational system prioritized passing exams and securing high-paying jobs. Unwilling to conform to this path, he followed his passion for robotics and embarked on a mission to create affordable prosthetic arms.

The Shocking Reality

Prashant uncovered a staggering statistic—every ten minutes, a new amputee emerged in India. More than 40,000 people lost their limbs annually, and a shocking 85% of them, approximately 500,000 individuals, couldn’t afford prosthetics. This revelation became the driving force behind his mission.

Empowering Amputees: The Gift of Prosthetic Arms

The Birth of Inali Foundation

In 2014, Prashant’s determination led to the establishment of Inali Foundation. He committed himself to providing free prosthetic arms to those in dire need. Despite facing skepticism from some, he turned to crowdfunding to raise essential funds. With unwavering dedication, Prashant developed a groundbreaking model for custom-made prosthetic limbs accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial circumstances.

Also Read: Introducing the Kerala Doctor Who Detected the Nipah Outbreak, Both in 2018 and This Time.

Prosthetic Revolution: College Student's Gift of Mobility

Changing Lives, One Arm at a Time

In 2016, Inali Foundation came into existence, dedicated to distributing free prosthetic arms to those who had lost their limbs. One poignant moment stood out when Prashant fitted an arm for a lady who, upon regaining control of the prosthetic, began to cry. She expressed her gratitude, explaining that she could now comb her daughter’s hair—a simple act she had longed to perform. This emotional encounter was just one of many success stories that showcased the profound impact of Inali Foundation’s work.

A Beacon of Hope

Today, Inali Foundation stands as a beacon of hope for those unable to afford prosthetics. Their mission is to empower individuals, restore their mobility, and uphold their dignity. The organization has distributed affordable upper limbs to people who have lost them in accidents or were born without them. These prosthetic limbs, including simple silicon cosmetic gloves and the Mayo arm, are entirely manufactured and assembled in India.

Expanding Their Reach

Inali Foundation’s mission extends beyond their current achievements. They aspire to reach the remotest corners of India, organizing free electronic-arm distribution camps every month. While they sustain the foundation by selling prosthetic arms at a nominal cost to those who can afford them, their primary focus remains on helping individuals who lack funds or access. To amplify their impact, Inali Foundation plans to establish a rehabilitation center that will provide comprehensive support to both humans and animals.

Innovation for Good: College Student's Prosthetic Triumph

Transforming Lives

Inali Foundation’s success stories stand as a testament to the life-changing impact of their work. They reaffirm the profound difference the organization is making in the lives of those they touch. To achieve their goals, Inali Foundation relies on generous support from individuals like you.

Also Read: Sol’s Arc, Empowering Dreams, Building a Brighter Future for All Abilities

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