
Kool Kanya – the best way to describe modern Indian women. Well, at least I presume that was the thought when Vanshika Goenka, CEO & Founder of Kool Kanya, launched an online career community platform for women.

The Prompt, the Prod

With a Degree in Political Science from Brown University, Rhode Island, Vanishka set out on a promising career path. In 2016, she took up her first job at a tech start-up that designed augmented reality textile toys. In 2017, she moved to Welspun, where she was assigned to develop the different distribution channels for the company brands. One day while she was doing market research for sanitary pads, she suddenly realized she was the only woman in a room full of men discussing – how to design a better sanitary pad?

That was the very moment that prompted Vanishka to relook at the gender ratio in Indian workplaces. She began to discuss with working women their pain points, their success stories, their journeys. The one glaring fact that stood out from her survey of 300+ women; was that each of these women found themselves alone in navigating their career journeys. They hardly had the support of others who were also walking the same path.

Image credits: Kool Kanya

The Birth of Kool Kanya

Vanishka discovered a vacuum that required addressing. There was an urgent need for women to collaborate as a community to help create and succeed in the careers they love. It was time to launch a digital meeting place where women from different parts of the country could come together to form a supportive ecosystem.

In 2019, Kool Kanya was born – a platform for, by, and of women. A platform Vanishka promised would be built on and associated with – trust, a safe space, success, and guidance. Kool Kanya soon became the go-to career platform for Indian women.

The Work, the Vision

Approximately 5.2 million women are looking for jobs in India. Vanshika’s vision was to create a one-stop destination and networking platform. A Kool Kanya can be an entrepreneur, freelancer, a young woman starting a career, a comeback working mom, or just a vulnerable woman expressing her job fears.

The Community

The Kool Kanya community is a networking platform where you can connect with other working women like yourself. It is a place where you will find women in the same field as you. This is your space to be vulnerable and honest and find support from women who walked the same path. Here you can find a successful woman mentor and/or become one yourself.

Kool Kanya aims to create a strong women workforce of the future. Here, a woman can,

  • Safely ask questions and get career guidance
  • Share experiences, and find common ground with other women in the same profession.
  • Learn how to network, how to set up an independent business.
  • Better understand legal and financial aspects of full-time/contract work.
  • Apply to companies and jobs listed on the website.
  • Easily connect with potential clients as a freelancer.
  • Share concerns, and seek solutions to her problems from other women who have been through a similar career trajectory.
  • Connect with successful women to inspire your journey or become an inspiring mentor yourself.

Kool Kanya, the hottest women’s networking platform

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many women faced a loss of jobs. At such a time, Kool Kanya became the hottest platform to support and guide the working women community. Women came together through freelance jobs and much more. Today with its community, content, and marketplace Kool Kanya has over 1 million users and 21,000 members.

Vanishka herself is a hot Kool Kanya. An entrepreneur, a weightlifter, an avid reader, a Kathak dancer, and a social media addict, she has helped thousands of women to live out their career dreams.

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