
What if just a subscription, almost cheaper than most ott platform subscriptions can make a zero-waste society? Noval India comes ahead as a trailblazer, with smart and sustainable waste management systems at just 180 rs / per month.

With the launch of ‘The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in 2014, the drive to composting and treating waste from its source, escalated. Noval India strives to take the country forward with an engineered solution for waste management to a zero waste “better India”

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Siva Sankar, an IIM Kozhikode, the founder of Noval solutions Pvt ltd (2013), pioneered an innovative model of waste management, through equipment which makes waste management easier and efficient. Shiva, who additionally holds a B.Tech degree in mechanical engineering from the National Institute of Technology Calicut., with a vision of socially integrated business and his passion for engineering, created easy solutions to sustainable and eco-friendly waste management.

Greenlease: A comprehensive solution for residential and commercial spaces Greeenlease , is a unique decentralized model of recycling and composting of solid waste, which offers a well-built technique and also aids their clients with machinery, on-site staff, and compliance certification on lease. At a very nominal cost, noval promises to keep your house/neighborhood and communities rid of overflowing garbage dumps.

Noval way to do overcome challenges.

One of the major challenges faced is lack of public awareness, which the team diligently and patiently addresses with hands-on demos, and spreading awareness on the health and environmental hazards of untreated garbage. According to WHO, twenty-two types of diseases can be prevented by conscious management of solid waste.

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Noval, relies on machines it designs and manufactures in-house. Prior to this, there was no demand for waste management equipment in India, there was no supply either. A staunch believer in democratization of technology, Shankar explains, how noval uses their skills and extensive research to come up with composting solutions at prices so low, and effective that makes it easy to embrace by individuals, communities, and organisations. His staff is trained to repair and maintain the machinery as well. Ths day, they manage to divert nearly 200 tonnes of waste from landfills every day, disposing of it at the source. It uses its expertise in waste conversion technologies and protein extraction to make India a sustainable country for future generations. Noval proudly claims to serve approximately 5,000 households in gated communities with 100 or more apartments, which should own waste management systems under the law.

Noval solution to sustainability

While the government and NGOs have done an excellent job in spreading awareness, it is not sustainable to depend on donations for such an important utility to the country. The subscription model works well to address this issue with a very affordable three-year lease contract. Rather than making waste management another compliance, the company aims to make every household embrace this as a necessary practice. As simple as all other subscriptions any family adds to their household budgets, a proper de- garbaging plan should top the list

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How it works

Once a client avails of the subscription, a full set of machinery including an automatic segregation array, a conveyor belt to place the waste and other automated machines are installed within the next 15 days for a demonstration. If you are satisfied with the system , you can can go ahead or even opt-out of the subscription.

Siva explains the inner workings. “The cooked or uncooked organic waste is automatically converted into organic fertilizer. We have a micro-shedder, which is a plastic processor that converts everything into smaller, compacted chips. Other types of waste that cannot be recycled or converted like sanitary napkins and diapers are sent to our green incinerator, which uses an extremely high temperature which helps burn them with very little exhaust.” Noval rising up to the covid 19 biomedical waste With the pandemic throwing new challenges Siva expects a whole new category of waste to present itself in our homes over the next few years. For this, Noval is currently awaiting a certificate to offer households their PPE incinerator which can safely be incinerated within the building itself. Since last October, the services have been availed in 12,000 apartments in Mumbai, Pune, Bengaluru, and Kochi. Currently, they are working on a prototype that can be installed in individual houses.

Noval Novelties

Since the inception of the one of a kind waste management module, the team Noval has advanced both in the number of users and the efficiency and technology. in fact, some of their machines are rated as the most efficient and eco-friendly ones available globally.

Moving, ahead with an objective towards a cleaner environment, noval waste management is already working towards newer dimensions and making its availability and affordability to most . additionally, this growth directly leads to more employment opportunities.

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