
Dr. Mahalakshmi YN is an acid attack survivor who has turned her life around in a remarkable way. She was attacked by a stalker in 2005 when she was only 23 years old. The incident left her disfigured, in pain, and emotionally devastated. However, instead of giving up, Mahalakshmi chose to fight back and reclaim her life.

Mahalakshmi was pursuing her Master’s degree in Microbiology when the attack occurred. She was travelling to college on a bus when her stalker threw acid on her face. The acid melted her skin and left her with severe injuries. Her face, neck, and chest were burnt, and she lost her left eye. After multiple surgeries, Mahalakshmi was left with a disfigured face and a scarred body.

However, the attack did not break Mahalakshmi’s spirit. She decided to take control of her life and started working towards becoming financially independent. She pursued a Ph.D. in Microbiology and started working as a lecturer. She also began participating in social activities to raise awareness about acid attacks and help survivors like herself.

Mahalakshmi’s journey was not easy. She faced discrimination and harassment from society and colleagues who looked down upon her because of her scars. However, she refused to let their negativity affect her and continued to work towards her goals.

Image Credit : The Better India

In 2013, Mahalakshmi founded the Mahalakshmi Thirumana Mandapam Trust, an organization that helps acid attack survivors. The trust provides medical, legal, and psychological assistance to survivors and helps them find employment. Mahalakshmi has also started a rehabilitation center where survivors can learn vocational skills and become financially independent.

Mahalakshmi’s work has gained recognition, and she has received several awards for her efforts. In 2014, the President of India awarded the Nari Shakti Puraskar, the highest civilian award for women in India. She was also invited to speak at the United Nations on International Women’s Day in 2015.

Despite all her accomplishments, Mahalakshmi remains grounded and humble. She continues to work tirelessly for acid attack survivors and hopes to make a difference in their lives. Her story inspires many, and she proves that one can overcome any obstacle with determination and hard work.

Today, Mahalakshmi is happily married and has a daughter. She continues to teach and is also involved in several social causes. She believes that her scars are a reminder of her strength and resilience and wants to use her experience to help others.

Mahalakshmi’s story teaches us that no matter how difficult life gets, one should never lose hope. She is a shining example of how one can turn adversity into an opportunity to impact society 

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