

(Image Credits: Getty)

When its grit and determination, age is only a number. At 62 years, George Hood sets the Planking world record (Guinness World Records 2020).

George E. Hood from Illinois at 62-years of age decides to get on a custom-built table, straps a heart monitor band across his chest, attaches a catheter to his body, covers himself with a lambskin, dials up a curated rock ’n’ roll playlist, gets in a plank position and remains in it for eight hours, 15 minutes and 15 seconds to set a new Guinness World Record on February 15, 2020.

The former US Marine and DEA Supervisory Special Agent having lost his earlier record and title to Mao Weidong, China in 2016, was determined to win the ultra-endurance title back. He attended very high-intensity training camps and fitness regiments. In 2018, in one such practice session, he did 674,000 sit-ups and 270,000 push-ups.

Endurance is a skill

The plank is an extremely strenuous and gravity-defying exercise where the torso remains in a horizontal position, balancing on the toes and forearms only. While most persons cannot hold this position beyond 10 minutes, Mr. Hood completed this feat to regain a lost title and raise money for a community charity (raised nearly $10,000 for 515 Fitness and the Braidwood Area Healthy Community Coalition of Braidwood, Illinois). His mental health, physical endurance, discipline, and training helped him achieve this record.

 (Image Credits – New York Times)

His interview comments

– I burned 4,252 calories.

– The seventh hour of the competition was the most difficult.

– On completing 8:15:15 hours even as my legs were completely cramped, I took on a yoga child pose (Balasana) so as not to disrespect the plank.

– It was the audience at the 515 Fitness location in Plainfield, Ill., that provided me moral support by clicking away selfies with me, blasting music and dancing to my favorite rock songs.

(Image Credits: WFLA)

This is just the beginning

Mr. George Hood, a musician who plays the French horn, a Former Marine and a dad to three sons, ages 30, 28 and 26, is ready to launch a fitness exercise video soon. And wait that’s not all. He soon plans to get his next Guinness World Record in the push-up genre.



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