
BookWater, founded in 2022 by the dynamic duo of Bharath Govindaraghavan and Balachander G., along with their friends Hariharan Vedamurthy and Sameer Bharat Ram, has revolutionized water delivery in Chennai. Graduating in environmental law and electronics engineering, the brothers sensed an opportunity to bring order to the unorganized water delivery sector.

Chennai’s Water Challenge

In Chennai, where groundwater is often polluted or saline, water cans are essential for daily life. However, these cans, selling over 25 lakh units daily, conceal a hidden problem. Most cans become cloudy due to overuse and sun exposure, releasing harmful microplastics into the water. Microplastics are known to cause various health issues, including endocrine disruption and cancer.

IoT to the Rescue

Determined to address these issues, the brothers introduced the concept of “connected cans” using IoT technology. Each ISI-rated plastic can is equipped with a QR code, allowing customers to track its quality and history. BookWater’s sensors monitor water quality at copacker locations and provide real-time information to users through the app. The QR code also allows tracking the can’s movement from the copacker to the customer location.

Promoting Sustainability

BookWater goes a step further by upcycling cans after they have been used up to 30 times. Partnering with companies like Ecoline, they transform old cans into sustainable products, including clothing like jackets, blazers, t-shirts, and bottoms.

Expanding Reach and Impact

Currently serving 3,000 users in Chennai, BookWater has ambitious expansion plans. Within the next two years, they aim to extend their services to Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Delhi, and Kolkata, ensuring safe and clean water access to a broader population.

Board of Advisors

BookWater is proud to announce the addition of two distinguished experts, Nambi S. and Ranganath V., to its advisory board. With their exceptional backgrounds and industry insights, they are set to bring invaluable perspectives to BookWater’s journey towards revolutionizing the water delivery industry.

Nambi S.: A Water Quality Luminary

Nambi S., a renowned expert in water quality assessment and management, joins BookWater’s advisory board to bolster the company’s commitment to delivering top-notch water quality. With extensive experience in water treatment and purification, Nambi’s guidance will ensure that BookWater continues to meet the highest standards in water safety. His expertise in identifying potential contaminants and implementing effective purification processes is a significant asset for BookWater’s mission to provide safe and clean water to its customers.

Ranganath V.: A Sustainability Visionary

Ranganath V. brings his visionary perspective on sustainability to BookWater’s advisory board. With a background in environmental conservation and sustainable practices, Ranganath’s insights will help BookWater further its eco-friendly initiatives. His expertise in identifying opportunities for reducing environmental impact and promoting sustainable business practices aligns seamlessly with BookWater’s mission to make a positive difference for both customers and the planet. Ranganath’s guidance will play a pivotal role in ensuring that BookWater’s operations remain environmentally responsible and sustainable as the company expands its reach.

A Mission Beyond Business

For the founders, BookWater is more than just a business. Their primary goal is to democratize access to safe water, especially for marginalized sections of society. Simultaneously, they are proud of their commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainability, ensuring a healthier future for people and the planet.

In conclusion, BookWater’s innovative use of IoT technology is changing the way people access clean water while also contributing to environmental sustainability. With plans for expansion, their mission to provide safe water for all is making a significant impact in Chennai and beyond.

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