
Sweta, affectionately known as Aastha, has faced numerous challenges in her life, and her journey is a testament to the power of determination and compassion. At the tender age of 6, Sweta’s life took a painful turn when she suffered multiple fractures in her left leg, leading to excruciating pain and an emergency surgery. This incident left her bedridden and confined to her room, with doctors painting a grim picture of a limited life due to the severity of her condition.

Throughout my 35 years of life, I’ve lost count of the bone breakages I’ve endured. Living with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, a genetic and incurable disease that has made my bones fragile and caused deformities, has been a relentless struggle since I was diagnosed at the tender age of 4.” – Sweta Maurya, founder, Astha Loving Kindness and Compassion (ALKC) Foundation which helps injured and abandoned animals.

Facing Abandonment and Adversity

To compound her struggles, Sweta’s father abandoned her and her mother, unable to cope with the financial burdens and the challenges of her medical condition. Despite all odds stacked against her, Sweta remained resilient, determined to find her life’s purpose.

Compassion Knows No Boundaries: Her Bedrest Odyssey

Discovering Her Purpose

Sweta’s dreams of becoming a doctor to contribute to medical science and help humanity were shattered by her health conditions, rendering her ineligible for medical streams. She faced rejection and ostracism when attempting to pursue homoeopathy in 2009, appearing on a stretcher for counseling. However, she refused to be defined by doubts and persevered. She found solace and purpose in graphic designing.

The Turning Point

In 2012, a life-changing event occurred when her brother started a Facebook account for her. Browsing through the platform, she stumbled upon the heart-wrenching ‘Adopt a Pet’ page. There, she encountered a dog brutally beaten by a security guard, bleeding profusely and in dire need of help. Witnessing such cruelty ignited an overwhelming urge within her to intervene. Sweta connected with other animal rescue groups on Facebook and swiftly arranged for medical assistance and treatment for the suffering dog. This experience marked a turning point in her life, inspiring her to become the voice for these innocent animals.

I want to impact the lives of 10,000 stray animals through rescue, rehabilitation, and feeding initiatives by the end of 2023. I want to create a ripple effect with my small yet potent moves.” – Sweta

Relentless Dedication

Driven by her passion for animal rescue, Sweta immersed herself in various groups across India, leveraging the power of social media to shed light on distressed animals in need. She tirelessly sought out neglected posts, connected with potential helpers, and coordinated with NGOs to arrange rescues for dogs, donkeys, cattle, and more.

Despite facing a setback in 2016 when her liver started failing and fluid accumulated in her body, Sweta overcame these obstacles and bounced back stronger than ever. Her dedication led her to establish the Astha Loving Kindness and Compassion (ALKC) Foundation NGO, focusing on animal rescue and welfare.

Compassion Knows No Boundaries: Her Bedrest Odyssey

A Lifelong Commitment

With limited resources and graphic design earnings of INR 6,000-7,000 per month, Sweta channeled her income along with generous donations to keep ALKC running. Through her foundation, she successfully rescued and provided care for 400 animals, finding them loving homes through adoption. Sweta’s unwavering commitment has not gone unnoticed, with animal activist Minakshi Singh from Varanasi acknowledging her dedication in rescuing distressed animals and providing them with essential care.

Throughout her journey, Sweta discovered the fighter within her, defying the bleak predictions of doctors who had once written her off. She refuses to dwell on the limitations imposed by her condition, choosing instead to focus her energy on serving those who suffer unseen and unheard.

“While I dreamt of becoming a doctor to contribute to medical science and help humanity, my health conditions rendered me ineligible for medical streams. Rejection and ostracisation followed when I attempted to pursue homoeopathy in 2009, appearing on a stretcher for counselling. Though hurt by the judgement of those around me, I refused to be defined by their doubts. Instead, I persevered, opting for distance learning and eventually finding solace and purpose in graphic designing.”- Sweta

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Hearts of Resilience: Her Unbreakable Spirit for Stray Animals

Expanding Her Mission

Now, Sweta’s aspirations extend beyond animal rescue. She is determined to offer aid to orphans, abandoned elderly individuals, and the homeless on the streets. Additionally, she aims to provide online employment opportunities for others battling Osteogenesis Imperfecta, despite the financial challenges she faces.

Her resolve remains steadfast, and she derives purpose from making a positive difference in the lives of both animals and individuals facing their own struggles. But she cannot do this alone – she needs the support of good Samaritans and kind strangers who care about the cause of animals.

Your Support Can Make a Difference

This brave animal lover and activist is looking to expand her activities. She wants to feed 200-plus animals, organize mass animal vaccination drives, and offer on-the-spot medication for injured strays. She is also looking to raise funds for operational costs, staff and vet salaries, as she cannot financially fulfill these expenses on her own. Additionally, she is also looking at procuring an ambulance, wheelchairs, and tricycles for animals in need.

Brittle Bones, Boundless Love: Her Stray Animal Lifelong Journey

Sweta’s goal is clear – she wants to impact the lives of 10,000 stray animals through rescue, rehabilitation, and feeding initiatives by the end of 2023. She aims to create a ripple effect with her small yet potent moves. Your support can help Sweta turn her vision into reality and make a profound difference in the lives of countless animals and individuals in need. Join Sweta in her mission and be a part of this incredible journey of compassion and resilience.

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