
The motivational speaker Raj himself dealt with depression and anxiety and he even had wrong thoughts like suicide. In these times, everyone needs someone to listen to them. However, being alone was hard for him. He wanted someone to talk to and understand him and his situation. Luckily he had his psychiatrist teacher in his college who helped him come out of it. But, not everyone is lucky like him. Also, everyone cannot afford a psychiatrist. Thus, he wanted to be that one for all who can listen to people’s problems.


Therefore, he started an initiative on 5th December 2020 where people can talk about their issues without getting judged or misbehaved. As ninety percent of our problems can resolve the very moment we speak about them. During the lockdown, many people felt alone and needed someone to listen to them. Thus, he never looked back, and now he has volunteers working with him for the cause, but what is the 10 rupee story that he started altogether?

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