
A homemaker come entrepreneur- Sudha wins heart globally with her clay art miniatures

Art with heart! How beautifully can a homemaker artistically create her home! Small pleasures of trying to make one section of the big world right! The social media today is all about vibrant food blog images quenching our hunger pangs! Late-night Instagram scrolling brings me close to this delicious chocolate pastry garnished with a cherry on top! Well, upon research I found it to be a clay mold miniature form. It was so perfectly done, that it took me some time to believe that it cannot be eaten!

Image Source: The Better India

What a masterpiece! This duo of mother-daughter from Chennai, Sudha, and Neha Chandranaryan are winning hearts globally with 100+ orders every day. It was two years back; Sudha gifted her daughter a dosa miniature on her birthday. Since then, the famous food recipes were converted into clay miniatures. Everyone who received their part of these miniatures was ecstatic. Sudha is a self-learner and successfully working for 15 long years now.

Image Source: The Better India

In February, on daughter’s request, Sudha started selling the miniatures through the CN Arts Miniature website. Countries like Malaysia, Singapore, and The United States were delightfully placing their orders. As an artist since a child, Sudha turned her hobby into her profession and nurtured it in Neha as well. Not only food miniatures, but the duo also created jewelry, flowers, and succulents using clay for their global customers. Sharing is caring! Sudha shared her artistry skills by arranging workshops in Chennai. On her daughter’s wish and encouraging customers, Sudha reinvents herself as an entrepreneur.

Each miniature was prepared with a lot of care and time. The daughter-mother duo works separately, to create separate pieces and then join them to create a marvelous art! Their hard work and dedication fetched them, international customers. Customized orders in bulk turned out to be very interesting for the duo. Workshops by Sudha were very popular, homemakers and creative participants never failed to attend the workshops. Sudha is an inspiration to many homemakers. They found every workshop session to be gratifying and knowledgeable.

Image Source: The Better India

Sudha loves to create. Crafting is her life and she creates some art every day. Food brings joy,
and clay food art is an extra cherry on the top! The duo creates happy customers and binds people with art and creativity! A perfect story of a homemaker turning out to be a successful entrepreneur is a footprint to many!

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