
Lata Kare , challenged the limitations of age and ran a marathon to save her husbands life. Her inspiring story was adapted to a movie that won the national award. Lata Kare, from Baramati, Maharashtra didn’t know that there exists a sport called a marathon run, yet she made headlines in 2013, when she ran her first marathon, barefoot, in a saree. She ran neither for glory nor to ful?ll any lost passion.

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Rather this was her last resort to raise some money together husbands MRI done. It was de?nitely not a smooth run, starting from preparations, or to convince the organizers, and stepping on pointy stones, burning her bare feet, with her saree hitched up amidst runners with fancy running shoes and sports gear, as she ran for love, simply to save the life of her Bhagwan.

That’s right, Bhagwan Kare, Lata Kare”s husband diagnosed with vascular disease, needed immediate medication and tests. When there’s a goal, and dedication, you are sure to win. As her chest touched the red ribbon, tears rolled down her cheeks, but excited and anxious with her ?rst achievement, she proudly walked up the stage and collected the prize money.

This 5000 rupees winning amount may seem quite negligible to many, but for this lady, this was the blessings of the almighty at this hour of crisis. This Marathon not only rewarded her with a monetary prize that took care of her husband’s medical expenses, but also opened a new window to another world of possibilities, and here on, the saree sprinter continued her run to win three more such marathons.

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Lata found a motive and also a source of earning to an extent and continued her run for marathons. According to her, love makes you fearless and optimistic and makes things possible. She adds, that even if society doesn’t believe in you, or laughs at what she has been doing, there is one person who will be your cheerleader Her inspiring story lead to the movie adaptation in Marathi, directed by Naveen Deshaboina, and with the real-time cast. This feisty lady didn’t shy away to play the lead role, and this ?lm released in 2020 bagged the National Film Award – Special Mention at the 67th National Film Awards.

The film narrates the journey of this inspiring 68-year Lata kare and her husband Bhagwan Kare, from a small village, in Maharashtra. The family thrived on daily work in neighboring farms, and post-marrying off their daughters, they just managed a meager to suffice just for their daily essentials. When an unprecedented medical emergency regarding Bhagwans vascular health, lata had no option but to step out to arrange the expenses. When the couple came out from the hospital with despair, the almighty opened doors through a piece of newspaper plating samosas from a street vendor.

She took up this challenge and left no stones unturned towards the journey of winning her first marathon and raise 5000 bucks for her husband’s treatment. Several scenes in the film have a long-lasting impact on the audience. Since the characters are real, the impact becomes stronger. The struggle, pain, and instances from Lata’s life are so real that one doesn’t mind minor glitches in dubbing and cinematography.

Surprisingly, Lata and all other cast have done a convincing job playing and re-living the same emotions on the screen. The film will have a deep impact on the audience and it is a must-watch for those who want to know about the inspiring woman Lata Bhagwan Kare.

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Unfortunately, when things were falling in place and this couple who have thrived through poverty and challenges in sustaining a livelihood, and were achieving all that they deserved, life played unfairly again. The sequel to lata Bhagwan Kare was all set, but Lata’s husband Bhagwan Kare recently succumbed to covid 19, the pandemic which has been taking the world through the most challenging grim ever.

Part two to this movie is on hold for the time being, but surely none can stop this inspiring lady, because she runs not with limbs but with a heart so pure and powerful.

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