Image Credits: CBNC

A little over just two years, the Forbes magazine put Service Now Founder Free Luddy on the cover. The story was taken from Broke to Billionaire. It was the most innovative company in the world and the moto was prescient and profit. When it started it had a market cap of $30billion and today it has  $77billion. The best decision was taken by him when he replaced himself as CEO with Frank Slootman. The third CEO was John Donahoe, and the fourth one was Bill McDermott. He was amazed to meet some of the most brilliant technology founders and CEO. There were few that left a great impact like Bill McDermott. In the following discussion, he covers Service Now operating changes during the Covid-19 slowdown process. The CEO is being asked various questions like how Service Now is gaining ROI and why it will become the defining enterprise software company.

A tragedy happened in 2015 when he met an accident. He lost one eye but he spoke and remembered his grandfather who was a basketball champion in the 1940s. Service Now was working to improve customer satisfaction and serve the customers that are serving the customers. Technology is the business model and it exists to offer the best technological needs to the customers. Bill reminded the crowd that COVID-19 should not affect them with the presence of a digital platform. This will help in handling all the training and work through an online platform. He believed in customers that interact with each other. Service Now has a loyal base of customers interacting with each other and selling the products automatically. They focus on serving the customers and that is the best way to market the product.

Image Credits: Business Insider

Leaving behind a larger company SAP, he moved on to Service Now. He wanted to find out and experience the digital transformation that led to customer grade experience in enterprise. People are more productive now with technology has been integrated into them. Technologies are now simple and gorgeous. Another reason why he joined was Service Now had its own platform that can bring endless opportunities.

His inspiration was his grandfather and he has learned a lot of things that shaped his future. He is all here to set technological goals for customers and enterprises. He advises to listen to your heart and never fall short of energy. You need to relax only when you have done enough productivity for your people.

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