Image Credits: Daily Hunt

In the fast moving world, everyone runs a path that has been designed to meet success. It is almost like a horse running a race with blinders through the past that is designated. It is essential to come out of your comfort zone and think something different. It is important to brush up skills and unique ideas to work on yourself to enlighten you. Here is a true story of Prateek Agarwal, who was blind but taught a lot of essentials of life. He is the first blind IT professional in the country teaching how to stand out and do something different that can make a difference in the society. To live foe others can give you an immense pleasure and you would love to live a life that has a meaning.

This boy when he was six years old, the doctor stated him to completely blind and loss of vision. He was fr Jaipur and he was unstoppable. Nothing could stop him, not even his lost vision. When he joined the school, he faced a lot of problems. While his friends mocked him for being blind, his teachers helped him with academics and leading a normal school life. There are teachers that actually give a lot of vision in life to those who actually need it. In class 7, he started using the screen Job Access with speech. He developed a niche for computer and aspired to be a software engineer. He got through NIIT, Neemrana, and completed post-graduation soon.

He started facing challenges when he started applying for jobs. He was an able person with good knowledge and scores, but every time he got rejected. The reason was he was blind and companies did not want to risk the employment. He used to lock himself inside his room and cry for hours. Despite having every quality no one gave him a chance to prove himself. He felt the pain every day that what it takes to not see with those eyes.

Image Credits: India Today

Daedal Technovations in 2010, was started by Prateek to discover IT solutions for those that needed it. It was difficult for him to get clients but, things worked because he never stopped trying for it. In areas of stock, invoice, and HR management, there was a growing scope. However, the difficulty was to convert the clients. A man without vision gave a lot of scope to all those aspiring and offered IT solutions at an affordable cost to the society that had once dejected him.

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