Grant Pereira, often referred to as the "godfather" of conservation in Singapore, proudly declares himself the National Parks Board's most seasoned volunteer. His remarkable...
SeniorWorld emerged in 2015 with a bold vision of championing positive aging. The founders, Rahul Gupta and M.P. Deepu, both seasoned C-Suite executives, embarked...
Prashant Gade's journey towards founding Inali Foundation began with a chance encounter that touched his heart. He met a seven-year-old girl born without arms,...
Championing Inclusive Education
In 2003, Sonali Saini established Sol's Arc in Mumbai with a mission to support children and young adults with special learning...
In the heart of Varanasi, a city known for its spiritual aura and ancient heritage, another remarkable story of compassion and resilience is quietly...
The Creative Spark: Crafting the Symbol of Joy
In the bustling city of Worcester, Massachusetts, artist and graphic designer Harvey Ross Ball found himself faced...