
In 2018, a unique and creative venture took root in the vibrant city of Jaipur. Thela Gaadi, an accessory startup, was founded with the aim of revolutionizing the fashion accessory industry. The startup’s primary focus was on offering a diverse range of products, including socks, eye masks, boxers, and more, to cater to the fashion needs of its customers.

Meet Kapil Garg: The Visionary Founder

At the helm of Thela Gaadi stood Kapil Garg, an engineer by profession and a visionary by nature. Kapil’s journey into the world of fashion accessories was fueled by his desire for self-expression. In the corporate world, he often found clothing choices to be monotonous, leaving little room for creativity and spontaneity. It was a pair of plain grey socks that ignited the spark of innovation in Kapil’s mind.

A Quest for Creativity: The Inspiration Behind Thela Gaadi

Kapil Garg’s quest for unique and expressive fashion alternatives led him on a mission. He noticed that while premium brands offered accessories, they often came with hefty price tags and lacked the quirky designs he sought. Turning to local alternatives, he encountered another challenge—finding products that combined quality with creativity.

The Birth of Thela Gaadi: Filling the Void

Fueled by his passion for creating something new and exciting, Kapil Garg, along with product designer Vidhee Singhania, embarked on a journey to address this gap in the market. Thus, Thela Gaadi (TG) was born, a Jaipur-based direct-to-commerce brand specializing in carefully curated fashion accessories with a twist.

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From Footwear to Fine Art: Thela Gaadi's Fashion Legacy.

Socks That Tell a Story: The Early Beginnings

The journey of Thela Gaadi commenced with a delightful collection of socks that were anything but ordinary. These vibrant and funky socks were designed to capture the hearts of both kids and adults. Featuring captivating patterns and prints inspired by beloved cartoon characters, the socks aimed to stir up cherished childhood memories and inject a healthy dose of nostalgia into people’s lives.

Beyond Socks: The Expansion of TG Originals

The early success of Thela Gaadi’s unique socks laid the foundation for further innovation. The startup recognized the need to diversify its product range and introduced TG originals. Venturing beyond socks, Thela Gaadi expanded its offerings to include an exciting array of categories such as tote bags, boxer shorts, handkerchiefs, and eye masks.

An Impressive Collection: The TG Portfolio

Today, Thela Gaadi proudly showcases an extensive portfolio of over 110 unique products across these five categories. Each product is carefully curated to ensure it resonates with the brand’s ethos of creativity, self-expression, and affordability. With prices ranging from INR 59 to INR 799, Thela Gaadi strives to make fashion accessories accessible to all.

Sock to Style: Thela Gaadi's Remarkable Transformation

Online Presence: Selling Through the Digital Realm

Thela Gaadi reaches its customers primarily through its official website, providing a seamless online shopping experience. Additionally, the startup has established a presence on Amazon India, expanding its reach to a broader audience of fashion enthusiasts.

The Road to Success: FY23 and Beyond

Thela Gaadi’s dedication to creativity and quality has not gone unnoticed. In the fiscal year 2023, the startup achieved a remarkable revenue of Rs 1.8 crore, a testament to its growing popularity among customers. Looking ahead, Thela Gaadi has set ambitious revenue goals, aiming to reach Rs 5.5 crore in FY24.

The Omnichannel Approach: The Future of Thela Gaadi

As Thela Gaadi continues its journey of redefining fashion accessories, it aspires to adopt an omnichannel approach. This strategic expansion will further enhance its accessibility and reach, ensuring that Thela Gaadi’s unique and expressive fashion offerings can find their way into the lives of individuals who value creativity and self-expression in their everyday attire.

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